'Round the bend isn't just a location. It's a state of mind.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Beginning

I've been blogging for several years. In fact, I have an insane number of blogs, and ultimately, it seems the only way to bring things under control is to start again.

There's a photo blog, the vent-my-spleen blog, a gluten-free lifestyle blog (that never took off), a blog a friend started that now consists entirely of three posts by me, a family genealogy blog, and an arts blog.

ACK! Too much!

So we'll be combining a few of them; I won't actually be closing the other blogs - there's some good stuff in them. But I'll be focusing on my arts blog, and this one.

The name of the blog is inspired by where I'm now living, Fort Lauderdale's Sailboat Bend neighborhood. But this isn't a neighborhood blog (despite the address which would seem to say otherwise). I'm not doing neighborhood news or gossip. I'm not that connected. Or interested.

It is an interesting place, with lots of interesting stuff, and I will share photos and impressions from time to time. There will be essays. There will be poems. I warn you, they will probably be just awful poems, tawdry things that rhyme. And there will be stories; all of the stories will be true, although I will be making most of them up.

You see, being "round the bend" is more a state of mind than a matter of geography. Some say it means you've gone crazy; others more diplomatically say "mentally irregular." My own take is that one has gotten away from the crowd and stepped out of view for a moment, going around a bend in the river of life.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ok, I'm here, you can start. :-)